Thursday 28 September 2017

my little miss muffet story

The candy thief
It was a lovely and nice day, and Little Miss Muffet was sitting on the side of the street. The sun was beaming down onto her face and the slight breeze blew light chip packets onto her lap.
Little Miss Muffet was cheeky because she loved to steal kids candy and their ice cream too. She was a vicious old lady and that’s why everyone hated her for the kind of person she is because she's so mean to kids.  She had yellow brown teeth that have clumps of bits of her dinner or breakfast in them. Her eye colour was haze with a it of green in them. The thing that got people the most was the fingers of hers. The nails were nearly rotten and each day they would fall off and about a week later grow back. One thing that she hated was children.                                                                                                                                 Especially the little ones. All she wanted to do was to steal all of their treats and everything they love. One thing that hardly anyone knows about is that Little Miss Muffet loves eating ice cream. Most people see her sitting on the side of the street eating food that people drop or eating live bugs. People see her eating cockroaches, ants and spiders. Everyone thought she was the most weirdest person in the world.

But one day when she went to hop into her car she got bite by a poisonous spider, because her car was so old and had cobwebs all over it. The spider was one of the most poisonous spiders in her country. At first she didn’t care but when she started feeling dizzy she decided that she should go to a hospital to get help. When she got to the hospital somebody came up to her and asked what has happened and she said that she got bit by the most poisonous spider in the country. So straight away the person gave her medicine and ran off.

A few years ago her husband was crossing the road when this car came zooming down the street and he didn’t have time to look if there were any cars coming and there was one and it was heading straight for him boom he's dead straight away .. When Little Miss Muffet found out about the news  she broke down in tears.The great  thing   is that she  started to be nice to kids  and she got really rich She started to giving candy back to kids   and she said sorry to every kid that she stole candy of then everyone started to not hate her  but about two days after she said sorry to the kids something really sad happened, she died of old age .

Thursday 7 September 2017

My Character Discription

My dog description                   

My dog chica is a girl . She is a white bull dog .she has short legs and a short tail  and green eyes .She is soo cute!! And i love her . She is the funniest dog ever because whenever you put a blanket on her head sow she can't see she runs around in circles until it comes off . The awesome thing is that she is so friendly .She would never ever hurt anyone .

character discription

My dog description                   

My dog is a girl and she is a white bull dog .She is so cute!! And i love her . She is the funniest dog ever because whenever you put a blanket on her head sow she can't see she runs around in circles until it comes off . The awesome thing is that she is so friendly .She would never ever hurt anyone . She has short legs and a short tail with green eyes, her name is chica.   Female_English_Bulldog.png

Sunday 3 September 2017

my sick senteces

Key: fixed sick sentences          !!! Sick sentences !!!                      Key:not fixed sentences                                                                    1.It was really stormy:the vicious weather was extremely terrifying. 2.The sea was rough and there were big waves :the vicious sea was demolishing the old wrecked boat.   3.the waves hit the ship: the bullet fast,  deadly waves smashed into the old dark  ship. 4. The crew was scared:the crew was terrified after the boat smashed into a huge  bolder .              

1.the water was cold: the huge whales smashed thru the viciously freezing  water like bullets shot from a gun.                   
These sentences are sick and need your help to get better.
Sam and the skydivers held on to each other. They were high up. It was scary.1  Sam and his terrified mates gripped onto each other with  their  blood rushing through their veins  2. They were terrifyingly high up in the atmosphere 3. It was so scary that they had adrenaline rush pumping through their veins.
These sentences are ‘sick’ and need help to get better.
The boy held out some food. The dragon ate it. He was green and had horns.
The brave little knight  held  up his disgusting lunch up to the fire breathing  colour full  scaly  dragon.

my speech writting

ANIMALS SHOULD BE KEPT in ZOOS                            

Many animals such as the grizzly bear, the dodo, and the black rhino are near extinction and other endangered animals are too.There are murderers everywhere trying to kill the harmless animals. Zoos save the poor animals so then they will be safe in zoos habitats and they'll live longer. Then no one can harm them.                                        
Animals  in zoos  get fed a lot more food than they would  in the wild  .They would die while they're trying   to get food for their babies and thierself.   That doesn't happen in  in zoos . Zoos feed animals there favorite food like a lion would get feed a bit of raw steak or lamb  and birds would get feed bird food . It's better for the animals to get feed heaps more food .                                                       

Heaps of animals are getting killed by hunters because some animals like rhinos  get killed for their horns   because their   worth a lot of money .Even if they are doesn't mean people should kill them. If they’re in zoos that won't happen to them. In zoos animals have  habitats made for that kind of animal.                      
Recently I saw a harmless giraffe, shot dead and  just left  to rot away  which is really sad. Why would someone do something like that? It's so sad to see dead animals like harmless beautiful giraffes  just left there to rot away
Why would you do such a thing to the harmless animals because they weren't doing anything wrong  to anyone sow why should people kill the harmless wild animals for no reason which is so stupid .    

But not all animals  should be kept in zoos  because some animals are pets like ,pet fishes,dogs,cats and horses and turtles they shouldn't be kept in zoos oversley   because there pets .But wild animals should be kept in zoos because there wild animals and they're not pets.   

So in conclusion, zoos are good for animals, they protect and stop hunters from
killing harmless animals.   

Wednesday 31 May 2017

My new car shoe car.jpg            I just bought my first car.  It’s very fast   and  it was only $10,000 dollars. It’s really  huge and i love it very much because it has a lot of room   .  Its an awesome car . but it’s incredibly hard   to drive  Because it has a mini  steering wheel .It looks really funny.
   Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths
           !!  The biggest  crocodile !!                                     The nasty wide crocodile collapsed ‘ it ate a very poisonous orange. It was a  fat ‘ old crocodile  that  was going to die anyway .It’s not sad because  it was a  very evil crocodile. It was the biggest crocodile in the world . I think that it’s  awesome  because he was the biggest crocodile to ever live .  Happily he lived with awesome crocodiles and those crocodiles were his best mates .  His friends would always help him .
  Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths
                                                   100 word story
                                                                                             Once there was a kid who ate something so  disgusting that he spewed it out and you know what he  said.he said I just couldn't eat something so disgusting in my life. It was a biscuit  that had salt on  . That is disgusting  as hell how could someone even eat something that gross .why would someone even  eat that when it looks so   disgusting because it has maggots in it . now i know why he spewed it out .I would never eat something that disgusting.then the boy lived happily ever after and it didn't happen again. by callum

Tuesday 11 April 2017

by callum
We wrote 6 word stories about bugs today .These are my favourite ones.

 ‘’I have a really funny face’’

       ‘’Why am I standing on berries?”

              “ Hey, look what  I can do”

                         “Hey, that's mine.Give it back.

                            “Man, this is hard to push”
‘’Man, that was a funny joke.’’

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Survivor  day
At night time in the hall the crowd was roaring while the people on the stage were planting their faces in bowls of flour, trying to find a small little wine gum.                      
Then there was one activity where you had to carefully get M&Ms out of  a bowl .That looked like fun but it  was hard as to do, because you would  have to be good at it.    There also  was one where you had to 20170302_200949.jpg eat weetbix without milk or sugar yuck. by callum

Thursday 16 March 2017

Inside my  head
am a all black swerving and fending as i boll someone  over and then i score the winning try then the crowd goes wild  inside my head.   
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           inside my head  i'm doing  a triple backflip  then a three sixty  on a bike  then i fail and get back up again  inside my head.    

                                  Inside my head i'm doing     wheelies  on my dirt bike  and flinging mud at my house while my mom is fainting  because the yard is all torn up . by callum                                                                            
