Sunday 3 September 2017

my sick senteces

Key: fixed sick sentences          !!! Sick sentences !!!                      Key:not fixed sentences                                                                    1.It was really stormy:the vicious weather was extremely terrifying. 2.The sea was rough and there were big waves :the vicious sea was demolishing the old wrecked boat.   3.the waves hit the ship: the bullet fast,  deadly waves smashed into the old dark  ship. 4. The crew was scared:the crew was terrified after the boat smashed into a huge  bolder .              

1.the water was cold: the huge whales smashed thru the viciously freezing  water like bullets shot from a gun.                   
These sentences are sick and need your help to get better.
Sam and the skydivers held on to each other. They were high up. It was scary.1  Sam and his terrified mates gripped onto each other with  their  blood rushing through their veins  2. They were terrifyingly high up in the atmosphere 3. It was so scary that they had adrenaline rush pumping through their veins.
These sentences are ‘sick’ and need help to get better.
The boy held out some food. The dragon ate it. He was green and had horns.
The brave little knight  held  up his disgusting lunch up to the fire breathing  colour full  scaly  dragon.

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