Wednesday 31 May 2017

My new car shoe car.jpg            I just bought my first car.  It’s very fast   and  it was only $10,000 dollars. It’s really  huge and i love it very much because it has a lot of room   .  Its an awesome car . but it’s incredibly hard   to drive  Because it has a mini  steering wheel .It looks really funny.
   Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths
           !!  The biggest  crocodile !!                                     The nasty wide crocodile collapsed ‘ it ate a very poisonous orange. It was a  fat ‘ old crocodile  that  was going to die anyway .It’s not sad because  it was a  very evil crocodile. It was the biggest crocodile in the world . I think that it’s  awesome  because he was the biggest crocodile to ever live .  Happily he lived with awesome crocodiles and those crocodiles were his best mates .  His friends would always help him .
  Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths
                                                   100 word story
                                                                                             Once there was a kid who ate something so  disgusting that he spewed it out and you know what he  said.he said I just couldn't eat something so disgusting in my life. It was a biscuit  that had salt on  . That is disgusting  as hell how could someone even eat something that gross .why would someone even  eat that when it looks so   disgusting because it has maggots in it . now i know why he spewed it out .I would never eat something that disgusting.then the boy lived happily ever after and it didn't happen again. by callum